Here I am, Lord. - John Michael Talbot, SFO

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Knowledge of God sets one free from fear

There is nothing to fear from either robbers or a snow bath!

We next find Francis on the road near Assisi. It is cold, the ground is covered with snow, and Francis is moving along the road, quickly - trying to stay warm. He is full of joy - free in the knowledge that God has called him, loves and wants to bless him. He is, of course, communing with God, rejoicing over his good fortune to have God's company on this snowy road.

Francis suddenly finds himself surrounded by rough men. They were in front of him on the road behind him. Their appearance was roguish. Their demeanor and manner threatening. They immediately demanded his money and goods.

Francis was probably surprised at their sudden appearance and their agressive manner. Yet (I believe) his demeanor didn't change. His faith in God gave him confidence - assurance that all would be OK. He knew he had no reason to fear anything or anyone. His heavenly Father not only promised to bless him with all good - providing for his needs - but to protect him from all harm.

Francis probably, after the initial look of surprise on his face, smiled at the robbers. Given that Francis did not cower before them and seemed, for the most part, at ease - looking at the robbers with confidence - they were probably taken aback and made nervous. Did he know something they didn't?!

"Who are you?" they demanded gruffly (but also with a note of fear). Perhaps he was an important person - this man seemed to carry himself with a sense of his own worth - importance. They were suddenly afraid that 'friends' - people with power (and weapons) might just be around the corner, trying to catch up with him on his journey. An encounter with armed men, would definitely make their business with Francis harder (and more dangerous!) to accomplish!

Francis answered with a strong and happy voice, "I am a herald of the great King!" Francis' heart, in that moment, went out to these men seeking - at risk of soul and body - those worldly things that did not satisfy the real craving of men's hearts - a need that only God could satisfy. They were truly poor - without that which had true value - God. He wanted to help these men find the 'treasure' he had found. He wanted to give them the Word of life that would save their souls and fill their hearts to overflowing with joy and all that is good.

The robbers stood in shocked silence for a minute. They looked more carefully at this thin young man - dressed in dirty clothes that, on inspection, were in poor shape and made of poor quality materials. The robbers looked at each other after taking this all in and . . . burst into laughter! This was no herald of a great king! Where was his horse and his fine saddlery?! Where were his fine shoes and clothes? Where was his gold ring and royal bag carrying royal dispatches?! They probably said as much to him in the midst of their laughter. Their fear and anxiety had disappeared. There was nothing to fear from this poor man or from 'friends' of his.

They soon leaped on him, laughing as they held him tight and began to go through his clothes looking for money or other valuables - with smiles on their relieved faces. Those smiles and laughter soon disappeared when they found that he had nothing - nothing at least that they wanted. Well, at least it had been good for a few laughs! And, to teach this young man to not scare robbers in the future, they picked Francis up by his arms and legs and tossed him, head first (most likely) into one of the nearby snow drifts. Francis would end up being soaked to the bone and also have to struggle to get himself out of the deep snow - something that could take a good amount of time!

Francis was both elated and disappointed. He was glad that he had held his ground - not allowing fear to get the better of him. He was also glad that he had tried to offer them the Word of life. Finally, he was glad that he had been allowed, once again, to suffer in some small way for Jesus. He was disappointed though because the treasures he sought to give to the robbers had been rejected. He was sad that they had treated him, the representative of the heavenly King, so poorly - something that King would be very displeased about! Finally, he was sad that those poor men had left just as poor (rejecting the spiritual treasures he offered them) and had gone off alone - without the God that loved them so much.

Francis didn't mind the abuse. Francis knew that, in himself, he was nothing. He was content to be treated as all sinners deserve to be treated. He did take it personally in that he used it to remind himself who he really was (a sinner) and what he deserved, from both men and God. In fact, Francis knew that he and all other sinners deserved eternal agony in hell (but for God's mercy!) What he had experienced for those few minutes was nothing compared with that so . . . he had gotten off easy with his snow bath.

It is apparent that Francis was not afraid. In his mind there was no reason to be. He knew God, was intimate with Him and was confident in both Him and His promises (contained in holy scripture). He saw his life in relation to God ( who is almighty and all-knowing and always present) and knew that God cared about him and what concerned him (no matter how small). This meant that God not only knew what was best but had the power to do it - for Francis and the world. This was a knowledge and confidence that was instilled in Francis after countless hours of prayer and scripture meditation.

Do we have the same kind of confidence as Francis? It only comes with spending, like Francis, significant time in prayer and meditation on the promises of God. Or, do we live in fear - of both big and little things? Jesus was always chiding His disciples with, "Why did you doubt?!" and, "Oh ye of little faith!" Jesus was constantly surprised that people doubted God's loving care for them. We worry about the weather, our high water bill, that bump under our arm, whether our co-worker thinks badly of us, etc. There are countless things to worry about - if you don't believe that God cares for you and will help you. Francis wasn't afraid of the fact that his clothes were too thin for the weather or that dangerous robbers were confronting him and threatening life and limb. Francis was a person just like us. Like Francis - we can be as fearless.

It is interesting to note how Francis responded to these men after they rejected his claim. He was truly the "Messenger of the Great King". He was offering them treasures of God freely. What did he get for the good he was offering them? Only laughter, abuse and a snow bath! How do we react when we are kind to others and get laughed at in return? How do we respond when evil is returned for our good? Do we swear to never be giving or loving towards those people again? (If so then the devil won!) Jesus tells us to do something else - to be like the God whose children we claim to be. Let's follow Francis in the way of the Gospel for he loved as God loved - both the good and evil, the grateful and those who take kindness for granted. This is what it means to follow Francis as he followed Christ. This is our calling and the path of life. Amen.


Little Fool said...
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Little Fool said...

Very inspiring and instructive entry, Joseph! Thanks for reminding us that we have nothing to fear with Him at our sides and in our hearts. Nothing in the long-term, nothing in the short-term, nothing in the present.

Francis' reaction to his situation is divinely appropriate. I would want to escape such a confrontation, but his thoughts were for the salvation of those threatening him. I would feel humiliated by the snow bath, but his feelings were lamentations for their lost opportunity.

Oh, there are seemingly countless worldly things to intimidate us, things going on in our personal lives or with our families or on the news, but God is always there to guide us safely through it all into the ultimate Security. Thanks be to Him for His guidance and saintly reminders.

brother Joseph, SFO said...

One sign of a person getting closer to God is the fact that they become more like Him. Jesus said, "I have not come to be served, but to serve and give My life a ransom for the world". Even from the cross He was thinking of, caring for, everyone else. God is love. Love is selfless. Jesus said these powerful words, "They will know you are my disciples by your love for one another". Jesus show's us the way and Francis was a great follower! With God's help we can follow well as well. God help us all to lose ourselves in His love and be a channel of His love to the world!

Patry Francis said...

Thank you. I needed to read this today!

brother Joseph, SFO said...

Peace to you Patry, I am glad you enjoyed the Post and hope you visit us again. Our journeys in life can be hard so it is nice to know that others have gone before us and survived! Jesus, Francis (and those who followed them)not only give us wisdom and guidance, but comfort and encouragement in our faith journey. I pray your journey is filled with peace and all God's blessings. Your brother, Joseph